Becoming Limitless…

Rani St. Pucchi
8 min readFeb 1, 2021

It’s not until they start betting against you that you become limitless.

I would like to tell you a story today about a little girl…

She was rejected by her family because of the color of her skin.

Ever since she could remember, she struggled to fit in. And when that didn’t work, she rebelled at every turn so they would notice her.

At school she studied hard to gain approval from her teachers and parents, receiving double, even triple promotion, and became the youngest child to graduate. Still they ignored her.

The girl’s parents were ashamed of her and didn’t know what else to do with her, so at the age of 9 they sent her far away from her home in Bangkok to a catholic convent in India.

The girl studied hard and received glowing reports from her teachers, but she became a running joke among her classmates because she spent all her time immersed in her studies. Her dedication impressed the school elders and she was made vice-captain, then captain of her school.

By the age of 15 she had graduated and fought hard to get into a decent college, much to the disapproval of her family who wanted her to immerse herself in housework to ready her for marriage.

Desperate for attention, she met and fell in love in her final year of college to a…



Rani St. Pucchi

Award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, Style & Image Consultant, and Relationship Expert. Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Success Coach and Trainer