Beware of Dream-Stealers…

Rani St. Pucchi
4 min readNov 27, 2021

“The minute you let go of the need to please everybody you will start to see your own worth and appreciate your own magnificence.” ~ Gold in the Cracks

We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood. Along the way we sometimes find that life has altered our plans. Often when that happens, we reason that this deviation from our dream, and our plan for our life, was our fate.

What we don’t realize is that we may have allowed others’ perception or perspective stop us from following our dream and living our potential.

How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because you’re concerned about how people will react?

How many times have you allowed someone else’s opinion or criticism stop you from doing what you believe in?

How many times have you apologized for your success?

I know I have. Too many times to count…

I also know many people, near and dear to me, who have allowed their dreams to be aborted even before they saw the light of day.

Along the way of having given up so many of my own dreams, and encountered many who have been in a similar position, I have learned a very valuable lesson:



Rani St. Pucchi

Award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, Style & Image Consultant, and Relationship Expert. Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Success Coach and Trainer