Color me Happy…wear Yellow!

Rani St. Pucchi
5 min readDec 13, 2020

We could all undoubtedly use an extra dose of positivity this season by way of a cheery pop of color. And just in time for the holiday season Lemon Yellow has been declared the Fall 2020 Pantone color of the year.

This citrusy tone can be easily plucked from the collections being shown on the runway and added to your wardrobe this fall. The energetic, happy-feeling hue has emerged as one of pre-fall’s top colors and offered in almost every fall wardrobe staple imaginable on the catwalks.

In my book — Your Body, Your Style — I share the Psychology of Color and how the colors we wear and surround ourselves with can change our mood and even elevate our success in life, love, and relationships.

Optimistic by nature, the color Yellow is associated with laughter, happiness, optimism and good times. As the world is going through some tough times right now, anything to bring some cheer can only be a good thing. All the more reason therefore to wear this color wholeheartedly.

Now admittedly this standout shade might not be your typical neutral colorway, and can be a little challenging to wear from head to toe. So for those hesitant to wear this particular shade…



Rani St. Pucchi

Award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, Style & Image Consultant, and Relationship Expert. Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Success Coach and Trainer